Friday 19 January 2007


Well I'm here once again.

To pour out my feelings on this. We just came back from a "Pasar Malan" (is that how you spell it? A night market?) Ate quite a bit. Then I tried talking to my dad about getting a phone. A prepaid phone I don't even mind. As long as I get to use it for my OWN god damn use. My dad is soooo hard to talk to sometimes. AARRGGGH!

And he keeps repeating the same thing. I don't even think he bothered to even THINK about what I said. *Stares daggers at dad* Will it kill him if I used the prepaid phone for my own sake? Use the money I saved to top it up? Will it? Sighs... Just... SIGHS. I give up. I'm so frustrated. I wanna

((((( E X P L O D E ))))))

Night creepy peeps.

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