Monday 8 January 2007

*Cough Cough*


I feel like crap today. I guess I didn't get enough sleep at the challet. Feeling really really terrible. Flu, cough and I think I have a fever. I couldn't even concentrate in school. And it's the first day! By the time I went for my second lecture, I was ZZzzz ZZZZzzzz...

My economics teacher looked like the Mum of Clydia (the girl who my mum looked after at my house) and I hate that face. She's so strict. "Economics is an easy subject" Puh-lease. I heard it a thousand times before and I have no intention of hearing it agan. So shut your trap please. It's making me feel worse.

And Maths. Ohhh Maths. I don't even want to go there. But still I will.

I really looked like an idiot in class. It's even more stress knowing that all my classmate took A Maths for their O Level so they have an added advantage. Seeing them doing the exercises in their notes made me want to tear out my hair! (Not that I have much) I tried to revise my work today but still I CAN'T UNDERSTAND A GOD DAMN thing!!! SHITAMA! The only subject I really enjoyed was Geography and Literature. The good news is that we might be going for an overseas trip to Tioman during the year. Yay!

Well we have visitors here in my house. Gotta go. Not mum mad at me for not coming out.

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