Saturday 29 March 2008


Ahh don't know what to type about these few days.

Just had a cross country run yesterday at school. Road Run actually. It was... Err. How to describe this... Tiring but fun at the same time. The Year Ones were amazing. They've got good runners for both the guys and girls AND they kicked us year two's butts! Especially the girls. MY GOODNESS, I've never seen any girl run THAT fast before. It's like only 10 minutes after the race, and you can see her coming back already!


She would've done well running with the boys too. Woo. Pretty wicked. I got 17th! Yay! Lol. Was aiming for top 10 but guess everyone else was good. Good race! Nearly wanted to give up halfway but I was already up front with everyone else so it would've been wasted huh, if I stopped. The most demoralising thing about the race is when you see a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG stretch of road in front of you. I hate that part. It looks like it goes on forever and it feels as if you'll never make it.

But of course, we HAVE to make it. After that part, it's amazing how much people cheering at the side can affect you. When you hear them and you know they're watching you, you know you can't stop. Don't wanna dissapoint them so you just keep pushing yourself. And when you FINALLY reach the finish line. WOAH.

What a relief!

The girls from our class did well too. Didn't know they can run that well! Thought they were just a group of... Ya.

Prize Ceremony was postponed till Monday cause of a thunderstorm. AGAIN.

Urgh, Dad's been annoying me a lot lately. As usual, the same issue. Can't be bothered to explain it. THEN, got caught on one school day playing CS by mum and she says if I catch you playing THREE more times, I'm going to turn off the router.


And I got caught 3 times! Bleah. This is so annoying! I want to fast foward time!

And i'm too lazy to talk about anything else! So I'm ending here. SORRY. No why am I apologising? I am NOT sorry.


Sunday 23 March 2008


Delays Delays Delays.

Ahh well.

Almost got into a pretty feisty argument with my dad yesterday. As you can pretty much deduce, it was about internet usage and what crap. Trivial matters. At least to me. And like now, whenever I'm in the study using my laptop, HE'LL come in and use HIS laptop as well.

How nice. ( __|__ )

I know what to do already! Leave me be! Leave me be I say!

Sighs, never mind. Lets move on to happier stuff shall we.

I was surfing around on Youtube when I chanced upon a band called "Flight of The Conchords." I listened to ONE of their music and I was hooked! They're not technically a "band" though. But they make great music! Especially their lyrics. They're from a TV series on HBO which is also called Flight of The Conchords. The two main singers are Bret (which is pronounced as "Brit" as in "Britney") and Jemaine. Both of them are amazingly funny!

So I've included one of their songs here. This one's "Frodo, Don't Wear the Ring" which I suppose is a parody to LotR.

HAHA. The rapping part OWNS.

Then there is this one which is funny as hell. "A Kiss is not a Contract"

A kiss is not a contract
But it's very nice
Mmmmm, very nice
Just because you've been exploring my
Doesn't mean you get to take an
expedition further south

A kiss is not a contract,
But it's very nice,
It's very, very nice,
Just because we've been playing tonsil
Doesn't mean you get to score the goal
that's in my jockey
Just because I'm in a two man
novelty band
Doesn't mean it's all about
I can't go around loving everyone
I just wouldn't get anything done
You can take me out to dinner that
might be quite nice

you could buy me a burrito and some beans
and rice
but that won't get you into pants
They call it a fly because it takes
you up to heaven oh oh
A kiss is not a contract but it's very
nice. It's very very nice.
I'm only one man, baby, pretty baby
We're only two men, ladies
Babies. Pretty babies.

ROFL. SUPER! Search for other titles like "If You're Into It" and "She's so hot - BOOM". You'll never regret this!

Then here's a random picture of my cousin sleeping.

Look at how as if he was "squashed" by a large invisible hand.

So yea, I guess this is about it. Don't really know what to blog about. But do listen to FotC!


Monday 17 March 2008

Worst Day


I don't know what to say!

Took my history and maths paper today. It was... GREAT I tell you! Wow wonderful! I took a look at my maths paper and... I took another look. And another one. And another one. Hopefully if I stared at it long enough, I'll be able to laser the answer onto my paper.


History paper was GREAT as well. Generated so much crap onto my paper. Was almost tempted to write:"And that's how history was like according to Nick Oh."


Great great great!

Monday 10 March 2008

Feeling Weird.

Oh no.

I've been hit by the dreaded "examititis" again.

I'm feeling nervous, depressed, and generally bewildered. I KNOW I'm supposed to put down all unimportant things like CS and games and whatever that's not got to do with studies and settle down, BUT all these things are clinging on to me like... Like LEECHES.

I can't get it off! And when I DO manage to, it comes crawling back. Getting to my head, drilling into my skull, enticing me to put down my studies and start gaming again.

THEN, mum caught me at IT again. AGAIN. Can you believe it? AGAIN. Tsk. I'm doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed! One more time and I'll never be able to feel the keyboard for a long long time.

OK, there I did it. My last resort. I deleted my games. Poof all gone. No more CS. Deleted, nada, zilch, zero, nothing. It'll take quite a few hours for me to redownload it again and hopefully that'll be my deterrent.


I seriously hope so...
Please guide me someone!

Sunday 9 March 2008

No More CS days


No more bloody shooting terrorists days for me...

I'm sad!

Mum caught me THRICE again for playing CS. How can I be so stupid!! Gosh but every time she catches me, is through the side window, where I have absolutely NO TIME to switch programmes. Aargh!

She accuses me of only studying for half an hour! Which is not true! I was doing my work for at least, AT LEAST 2 hours! How can she say that! It's... So not true! Grr... And now she's giving me looks.

Sighs. I know what to do! Please just leave me alone!

I hate JC life... And shut up to all those people who disagrees with me!

Wished Mas Selamat would blow up our school instead...

Friday 7 March 2008

Touch Tpying!

103 words

Speed test

Awesome! This is how fast I type! I beat you Teng Si Jia! HAHAHA! I will improve yet again!

Monday 3 March 2008

Wonderful Weather

Great news already in the morning during assembly!

History teacher is A-B-S-E-N-T!! Two thumbs up for that! Woo hoo! So extra maths lesson which will have held back till 1.40 pm was pushed up, therefore we still get to go back at 12.40! Awesomeness!

Was sort of dreading lit lesson. Perhaps cause of the presentation I had to do? Well I was SORT of prepared to present it. So yea, I was pretty ready to present it. THEN the teacher had to push the date of the presentations forward. AGAIN. To Thursday! (Which I don't feel like going to school on that day. So I'll NEVER be able to finish my presentations. It's FATE peoples. FATE.)

So with Lit over, the day didn't seem that all bad! The weather outside looked great from the classroom as well!


After school, I bought a packet of stick biscuits, (which is definitely more worth it than a packet of Hello Pandas at the same price) and started on my usual route home with the lovely weather! Just the way I like it! Clouds everywhere, no blinding sunlight in your face and with a cool breeze! Halfway home, I saw the usual patch of field on the left side of the path way which I never thought to explore or see what was beyond it. Until today! Since the weather was mighty fine, I thought, why not?

So I got up there, and WOW. I didn't know that such a field existed in woodlands! It's not exactly country side's BIG expanse of field that goes on and on but rather... Mmm. Well I guess a picture would tell you what I mean. So I will put one up.

This is the view from the path way where I walk home from everyday. (Click to enlarge) As you can see, it is quite a wide expanse! Heh heh, a new place to explore!

Now this one, is the view FROM the field overlooking the HDBs and the pathway where I walk home. You can't see the pathway from here cause the field is sort of elevated. Like as in, you have to climb up a small slope to get up here. So yea.

And then THIS one, is the picture of my favourite tree in the field! Don't ask my why it's my favourite. It just is. It's so wonderful! I even sat down for a while under its shade. Luckily I was wearing long pants though. Didn't want the ants to get in it!

And finally we have the BEST picture! HAHA! Of none other than yours truly! Underneath my favourite tree! Looking out into the depressing world that human being live in. Exams, work, stress. Blah blah blah and all those nonsense.

Heh heh. So yep. I like that field. I shall name it... Something. I'll let you know when I think of something. Well no one has put up a sign yet so I guess its alright to name it something that I want it to be! Finders keepers, losers weepers!

Oh yea, as I was getting down, something on the ground caught my eye. As I stared at it, trying to make sense of what it was, it suddenly... Twitched. Immediately, I felt FAINT. I actually FELT FAINT. SERIOUSLY.

It was a bloody HEADLESS bird, which was still bloody twitching.
(Pictures not too clear, sorry)

I felt sick! Urgh. I couldn't shake that feeling off. It was grotesque!

Maybe that Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) leader Mas Selamat Kastari, which the Singapore's authorities are desperately looking for, got hungry while escaping through Woolands and caught a bird for a snack. Then decided that it didn't taste like Bird Nest Soup, hence threw the leftover away. For me to STUMBLE UPON.

VERY NICE MR KASTARI. I hope they catch you and electrocute your balls as a form of punishment, so you'll be more than limping when you walk... GRRR. Take that!

Sighs. Mop floor.

Sunday 2 March 2008

It's Another Week

Gooooooooooooood Morning peoples! (If you're reading this in the morning that is!)

Wew wew! It's such a great morning! It's raining outside, the weather's awesome! Just the way I like it!

Had quite a fun time at gran's yesterday. Well I don't remember not having a boring time either! Hee haw haw! Wanted to try out the remaining sticks of dynamites I had left so went down at around 9+ pm with my cousins. Rounded the rest up downstairs and they crowded around me and Hausan. Took out the first stick excitedly and was prepared to strike it against the box it came with, but to no avail! It felt like I was striking sponge instead.

I think, it was because I left it in my pencil case for wayyy too long. The moisture must've got to it. The box did feel kinda "soft". Ok no matter! Sent my most wonderful, nice nice, super great, excellent cousin, HAUWEI up the house to get us the matches.

OK! Got matches, got sticks of dynamites. This equates to FUN FUN FUN! Lit one up, the dynamite flared up, and I quickly threw it into the drain and all of us backed off.

1, 2, 5 seconds passed and all was silent. Cautiously we crept forward. What IF, when we least expect it, the thing EXPLODES right in our faces!? I mean, it usually happens right? This sort of stuff always turns out this way don't it? Like when you least expect it. I don't want my beautiful face to be ruined! Haha!

No matter! We try and try again! Took another one, lit it up and backed off. Again silence! Lol, so the whole time, if you were observing us, it would have been pretty hilarious! It's like, you see a group of kids crowding around something, then suddenly someone throws something on the ground and all of them suddenly back off. THEN they creep forward again, THEN suddenly back off again. Creep forward, then back off. It's like some sort of strange ritual we were performing! To appease the "Drain God" who's presiding over all the drains in Singapore huh.

HAHA! I figured the constant opening and closing and handling up of my pencil case must've let the moisture get to it. That's why it didn't explode. What a bummer. Oh well! We had some laughs at least! Oh yea, once, we had this last unused explosive and the LAST matchstick left, Hausan lit the match up, and because it was the LAST FINAL matchstick, I was trying to protect the flame with my hands. And since he was trying to light up the dynamite, (which was not very big) naturally my hands would have covered that as well. So we managed to get it lit up, but it didn't seem like it was working and Hausan was trying to light up the end part of the thingy as well and I was still protecting the flame. SUDDENLY, without any warning, THE STUPID thing suddenly ignited and spat out this BURNING piece of crap. And my frigging hand got the brunt of it. It was !#@$* pain!

"OW ow OW OW OW!"

And I ran upstairs bawling like a baby.

So yesterday was an awesome day! Hee hee!

Today is NOT an awesome day. You know what I think of my parents? Everytime I touch any, and I mean ANY electronic items, they will inconspicuously turn their heads in my direction and try to see what I'm about to do. I swear, they have some in built radar in their bodies or something. And the worst thing is, when I AM in the study, and using my laptop, my Dad, who initially was reading his stuff in the living room, conveniently CHOSE to read in the study. I bet he was spying on me. He just left a few mins ago. I bet soon after, my mum's going to sneak up on me via the window on the right side of me. Sneaky. Because it's hard to detect anyone coming up from that side. And 75% of the time, she is successful. DAMN.

Bummer, got to go do some work. MID YEAR is coming. Really REALLY (god help) need to start putting away my com and ACTUALLY read something which is PHYSICAL and not some e text or whatever. SHEESH.

I need precautions...