Wednesday 30 April 2008


My Parents will be the death of me!

Aargh, got CAUGHT once more, playing games. It's not even online! Sheesh. And now Dad has decided to arrest my laptop as well. But of course I'm not going down without a fight! I've thought of asking my friends to keep it for me, but then, it will be troublesome if I wanted to use it everyday though. Sighs. In the end, decided to leave my laptop outside the house, in one of the closets. Risky, yes, but THEY leave me no choice!

Been going home around 5, 6 pm every day. Why? Cause you see, there's this new LAN shop which opened at a shop near my house. Only a five mins walk from home AND, its on the way back home from school! Perfect! I know it's going to be costly, but well, what can I do huh. It's a pretty modern cyber cafe. All the works and stuff.

School's pretty alright. At least I've been doing my work, and I'm feeling this sense of satisfaction from finish all my work! Yes... I smell it. I feel it. I WANT IT! Haha! Hope it won't wear off. Sighs, wish my parents would understand me a bit more. I do work at school, I come back, I want to rest so lemme play my games for a while! Is that too hard to understand!?

Nvm, let's not go there huh.

I wish everyday was a Saturday! I love Saturdays! It's sooo fun hanging out with my cousins. every Saturday, we meet up at our Grandma's, have dinner, then take a loooong walk to the closest Community Centre to play ball. (There's one right underneath Gran's place, but it's infested with Chinese Nationals. No offence, but WE DON'T EVEN GET TO PLAY!) It is quite a long walk to the CC. I'd say 15mins? But really, it's the journey that is enjoyable actually. A bunch of teenagers making a ruckus as we walk along. Oblivious to the world but ourselves! How wonderful! Gosh.


Haha! Dad's such an ass. (pardon the word, I had to get it off my chest) Won't even let me play the PS2 at gran's. But it's ok. We've found better things to do!

A levels are coming! I can feel it. I've yet to organise all my notes and lecture notes. You should see the amount of that stuff I have at home. It's INSANE. Bet my shelf will break any time. (Sometimes I hear weird creaking sound when it's all quiet...) I just received my history notes. It's so THICK. Oh the poor trees they had to cut down! No idea how I am going to memories everything...

Save the earth I say!
Save the earth!
Away with studies!
Ahead with nunneries!

(being random as you can see)

Well, I am not in school today. (Sorry Jia! Didn't tell you the truth! LOL. It was for your own good.) Hanging out at the library. Playing CS and stuff. God I miss the "kukus" (as Anberlin would put it) there... Talking about CS, my clan "Vanish O2" (yes, it's named after the Detergent, ain't that WICKED?!) is getting pretty serious! We even have a forum up!

Hmm well this is all... Oh and if you play Habbo Hotel @SG, do add me!
-NickMyKnickers- <To the LAN shop I go!

To the LAN shop I go!

Thursday 24 April 2008

Long Time!

How long has it been!?

Weeks?! Months?! Years?! I know you guys have been secretly missing me huh. That's really sweet of you guys!

(*Flutter eyes*)

Anyway, it's been such a HELL for me. First, parent-teacher meeting (PTM) was such a disaster. At first, I thought it would be alright because I knew my form teacher isn't so bad. She'll never make it sound THAT bad. When it was our turn, (which was like 45 mins after the designated time) she showed my mum the results. (Which was BAD) All the usual things were said. You know, like:

"Nick you've got to start working. Nick this is unacceptable."

At this point, everything was alright, I just feared that she would say that I've been on MC quite a few times. She didn't which was a relief. I was on the lookout for my lit teacher.

I MUST avoid her at ALL COST. Lit's been the subject I've been not going for. I knew if she sees me, I might as well have stripped naked and do a full monty on stage. Was out of the hall and the exit was almost in sight when suddenly I hear someone call my name.


I could NOT believe this. This was something straight out of a movie! Not supposed to be like this in real life! As I whip around, I was sure I knew who it was. THERE! Smack bam splat boom, there she was.

My lit teacher. The one I had to avoid.

I knew there was no way out. She got us to sit down on one of the benches, and started to talk. I tell you! I PRAYED so hard that I could teleport her away at that instance. And the things she said... It was HORRIBLE. She even went on about me going on MC holidays. (Imagine me, cranking my head slowly towards my mum. Thinking, OH - MY - F___ING - GOD) I'm doomed. Doomed for life! Doomed for eternity! Doomed dooooomed I tell you! (Drama rama.) Then she went on ranting about how I should WAKE UP. WAKE UP NICK WAKE UP. It was hard to digest. Sad to say, I was tearing. YES I WAS. I admit!

Men can cry. Believe it.

And the worst thing was the walk back. It was such a bloody long walk home. (Why the heck did the school make the entrance so far away!) And I just... Did not want my mum to see me. I wanted to run. RUN and never stop! Run run run. But I couldn't just leave my mum there.

Going back home was terrible terrible. Dad heard it. (Naturally from mum. MUM's ALWAYS the one telling on me...) THEN he had to go on a lecture about my studies and crap. He even brought up the topic if being vegetarian? I was like, HUH. And it's as if he was blaming me that mum has to spend more time cooking vegetarian. IT'S NOT AS IF I ASKED HER TO! If he wants, he could have her cook meat for all I care. I'll just have plain rice thank you.

But his words hit a spot in me. I was so overwhelmed... I have never been in this state for so long...


Ok enough! It's getting me all pumped up. I'll smash my keyboard if I keep going on. Something pretty eventful happened at school today, but I'm too tired to go on and no one reads a long post. So next time!

Lemme play just a while!

Tuesday 15 April 2008

What A Week!


I had such a bad week!

It's all because of... DAD. And to some extent, MUM. (I'm going to KILL you. KILLLL you! Can you feeeeel my anger? ARE YOU WITH ME?!)

Banned me from going online cause you caught me playing cs for a while?! How can you? This is insane! This...

"This. Is. MADNESS." (King Leonidas, 300)

They just keep going on and on and on about why I should study. Blah blah blah. All the same thing. Even THREATENED me. Can you believe that? They were trying to SCARE me into submission. But NO, I will not submit! I will fight fight fight! Hear me roar!

"If you have to go poly because you dropped out of school, you will have to pay your own school fees, your own food, your own transport and we're not going to help you. And let's see how long the money earned from work last year will last you. Not even a month I assure you."

My mother! My mother actually said this! OK fine, maybe I do deserve that, but does she HAVE to put it THAT way? (Nick angry, Nick smash things! *Nick goes on a rampage around the house*)

Sighs... Friends have started school, and for some, it's their first day in school and what fun they seem to be having! Just take a look at MINister's blog, or if you want a better example, at Casslyn's blog. (Not to say that your's isn't good enough - MINister!) Bleah, I wonder how it'll be like if I was in poly now. (I know I know, I've said this many times, but don't think I'm being a whiny brat.)

Urgh, really really can't stand school anymore. Everyday's such a drag. I want to, sleeeeeep forever. Mood at home sucks as well. Everytime I touch the com, I SWEAR, my parents will seem to go on RED ALERT. Dad even sent my cousin to check on me.


(Sorry I know not what to post anymore. Life's a mess)

Sunday 6 April 2008

Sucky Sunday

Gosh I hate Sundays.

Sunday afternoons, Sunday evenings and especially, Sunday nights. Bleah. You people should know why.

Woke up at 4+ today to clean my Grandfather's tomb. I look forward to events like this ever year. I like family gatherings. It's fun and, just so "family-ish" ya know? I like the warm feeling of lurrrvveee.

Had a chat with the cousins from my Dad's side of the family. Though they're much older than me, we still get a long fine! Me and Algin jie jie (22 years of age) was talking about how the internet has even invaded traditional custom - like cleaning the ancestor's tomb.

Algin: "Eh Nick Oh, you know now they got online shao mu?" (tomb cleaning or something to that sense)

Nick: "Huh really? What the-? HOW?!"
Algin: "Ya online. You choose what kind of pau, how many chicken, you want and order to offer. Then can also offer joss sticks. So funny right?!"
Nick: "OMG! No shit! This IS funneh. So you've to move the mouse up and down to pray?"

Online services like this? What has the world come to? Where's the respect? If you're going to do it online, might as well not do it at all... Tsch!

I REALLY hate Sundays. Dad has officially decided to arrest the wireless router from morning until night time. All for the purpose of making me study. It's COERCION I tell you! Even when he releases the router, he still HAS to sit next to me in the study room. GOSH. I feel like a felon, jailed in my own house. How sad! Someone come bail me! (GOSH, he's shifting closer to me... Urgh!)

My life sucks.

Well for me at least. How is life treating you?

Is it trying to make you miserable? Is it purposely trying to run salt into your already raw wound? Is it making you go through things you don't want to? Is it making you tear your hair out every Sunday night?

Well Life, you can kiss my ASS. (Rub your face right between my ass cheeks as well while you're at it.)

I hate you - life!

Friday 4 April 2008

First Time

I'm selling stuff online for the first time!

Selling my 2+ months old Nokia 6120 Classic (black) phone online at and when like only a few minutes after I posted up my AD, I already got an sms from an interested buyer! Woo! That was yesterday, and now I've like, 5 buyers who are interested.

Awesome! Mobile phone sells quick online that's for sure.

I did my research and I am definitely sure that MY price was the LOWEST. The highest price I saw was 350. But then, it was brand new and all. So isn't it reasonable of me to sell it at 200? Yes. And I've still have people HAGGLING like nuts to get it to as low as 150.

There's this particular buyer who was very vague with me. He said he wanted to meet me for the phone at AMK mrt station, taxi stand but then he did not confirm the price. I thought he was willing to buy it at 205 from me. (I was more than happy to.) THEN, today he texted me to confirm the deal, which was at a bloooody low price of 150. WHICH I would never sell at! 190 I might! But never 150! And he even said I confirmed with him!


His sms read:

"We confirmed the deal last night and now you want to back out? Very disappointed n disgusted at u!"

Blah blah blah. When did I ever confirmed to sell it at 150! I think the only thing I confirmed was WHERE to meet. He didn't even talk about the price. GOSH. The nerve of some people. So I'm a little down from my first online business deal. What a bummer it wasn't a success and I got SHOT DOWN by an insolent buyer! DIE YOU AZZZHULE.

Sighs. Worry not mum says. There'll be other buyers. Luckily I wasn't selling at ebay, if not I'll definitely get a NEGATIVE rating. Phew. Someone buy buy my phone at 200 please!

Was going through econs case study today. Did quite well for a part question! Heh heh. For once I did well! I'm happy happy! got 6/9. Woo!

So I'm in a good mood today! (Hope no one will spoil it... Dad better not... Or I'll... !#@!)

Oh my mood just changed. (How flippant I am.) Now that INSOLENT azzzhulle decides to insult me.

"I don't want to waste my time with someone who cannot even remember what he committed to others"

__|__ (It's the middle finger if you don't know what that is.)

Happy Happy - NO MORE

Tuesday 1 April 2008


I hate lit!

I wanna say "slash dollar-sign hash star exlamation mark!!"


I'm tearing my hair out right now! I'm shaking with frustration!
I'm spitting like an angry lama!
I'm grinding my teeth!
I'm beating my chest like an angry, sexually deprived Gorilla!
I'm going to erupt with rage like how a guy erupts when he ejaculates!
I'm sighing like I'm a mother with much worry for her kids!
I'm fuming like a rice cooker which spouts steam!

I'm EVERYTHING that has got to do with ANGER.

AAARGH. F you! F him! F your mother, F your father. F F F F F F F.

I totally hate lit. Just got back my results from Block Test. 14/80 I'm not worried or sad about the marks but what the teacher wrote:

"Talk sense!" << Sense?! When was lit about sense?!

"Nick, this is atrocious. Shape up quick and learn to write meaningful Lit analysis, or you'll fare badly in this paper. This is an emergency."

WHAT?! Ok fine, my answers might not be meaningful but it's not as if I purposely WROTE BADLY for the paper! How can you say its atrocious!! AARGH I HATE YOU. F YOU.

F you AGAIN.

Sighs... I'm so tired from being angry. I see NOTHING when I read lit. Didn't used to be like this. What happened Nick?! Oh well... I think I should've quit school while I had the chance to. Oh why did I hesitate?

F you F-ers!