Monday 21 September 2009


Hello my meaty friends.

You know, recently I found that going to pee-pee in the toilet is getting harder for me. Whenever I pee I always have to pass some wind out as well. It's like some dual-toxin-outlet-port. I pass toxin out in front, as well as behind now. How convenient.

However, this noisy process can become quite a problem in public waste disposal chambers. Lol it happened quite often a few weeks back. I had the most immense urge to let the gas outta my system while I was urinating, but because there were other people around me I had to try to hold it back.

That's harder than it sounds.

Holding your fart back in your butt is an indescribable feeling, but describe it still I shall. Have you ever had an experience like that? Holding back a large amount of fart is near impossible really. When it comes, you have to let it go. Holding it back is a bad thing. Grandma/mum says it becomes "wind in your stomach" if you do that. Which is a bad thing. Don't ask me how, but if it's bad, it's bad right?

If you have been holding it back for a long time and you still try to hold it back, it really really will hurt. There was once I held my fart in for so long cause I couldn't find a deserted place to release my gas that it hurt and it actually brought me down to my knees when I got home. It's like some internal butt cramp. Cramps inside you. A bit further up your butt. It seriously hurts!

So the other day at the shopping mall's toilet which was averagely populated, I let my fart out in tiny bursts. At the same time, I worked my butt cheeks away from each other (which is quite difficult to do I realised) so as to minimise the amount of noise it'll make. (That squeak-squeak or the bloooorgh-bloooorgh.) OMGOSH, it's so embarrassing I tell you. My plan failed and I let out an audible squeak. I zipped outta there once I was done. Good luck to those still in the toilet. It was DA BOMB.

OH yea. Lol I have this habit I'm ashamed of but nevertheless, I will still share it with you all. What is it?


There! Haha. And it's harder to get caught cause there's so many people and by the time someone realises it, you'll be looong gone. (Eat my dust! No wait, smell my gas suckers!) LOL. Ok of course I don't do that when I'm with friends. So embarrassing and the probability of you being the last one lagging behind is... I don't know. Just. Yea whatever. It's just bad. So.. Don't do it when you're with friends. Okay, shit, I'm not asking you to leave a methane trail when you go out....

But it's so funny!! (And fun in a way. Call me sick/crazy)


Saturday 12 September 2009

Random Interesting Videos

Here are some random interesting videos I found on youtube. Enjoy!

Work with me for this video! It might seem boring at the start, but hold on!

Here's another different one though:

Makes me wanna dance!

Windows orcherstra. Lol

German Prank! No more japanese ones!

Haha good ones eh?

Friday 11 September 2009


There was a group of cats meowing so sadly on my way back to my old house to collect something that it made Goosebumps appear on my flesh.

Then all of a sudden, this crazy cat hiding in the bushes suddenly just clawed my legs.

What gives?

Then I thought to myself, oh no, I think I'm cursed. That cat just cursed me. So I prayed a bit, hoping I can set up some spiritual force field around myself to deflect any incoming curses.

My paranoia started getting to me while I was walking through that spooky corridor back home. That corridor that always makes me turn my head around to make sure no one's following me. And if I try not to turn behind, I keep thinking and thinking that there's someone behind me! So as I was walking out of the lift through the spooky corridor, MJ's "You Are Not Alone" started playing.


I'm not?!

Right after that song, Good Charlotte's "I Just Wanna Live" came on.

HOLY COW. Is this a sign?!

"You Are Not Alone" followed by "I Just Wanna Live"??

I think that stupid cat cursed me.

Random & Completely Useless Information

  • For a short time in 1967 the American Typers's Association made a new punctuation mark called an interrobang, which was a combination of the question mark and an exclamation mark. It was rarely used and hasn't been since.
  • Author Lewis Carroll combined the words chuckle and snort to come up with the word chortle in Through The Looking Glass.
  • The letters of the word SHAZAM, which was shouted to conjure up comic-book hero Captain Marvel, stood for Solomon's Wisdom, Hercules's Strength, Atlas's Stamina, Zues's Power, Achilles's Courage, and Mercury's Speed.
  • A trilemma is a dilemma with a third alternative.
  • The english syllable Ough can be pronounced nine different ways. Sentence that contains them all is: "A rough-coated dough-faced thoughtful ploughman store through the streets of Scarborough and after falling into his slough he coughed and hiccoughed."
  • Romans had three words to describe the kisses: the kiss for acquaintances, the baisium; the kiss between close friends, the osculum; and the kiss between lovers, the suavium.
The Seven Virtues
  • Justice
  • Fortitude
  • Prudence
  • Temperance
  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Charity
The Seven Days of Creation
Created heaven and earth day and night.
Divided heaven from earth.
Created the land, the sea, and vegetation.
Created the Sun, the moon, and the stars.
Created creatures great and small.
Created mankind.
Sanctified the seventh day as the day of rest.

The Seven Ages of Man. (according to Shakespeare)
The Infant
The Schoolboy
The Lover
The Soldier
The Justice
The Pantaloon
The Second Childhood.

The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy.
To convert the sinner.
To instruct the ignorant.
To counsel those in doubt.
To comfort those in sorrow.
To bear wrongs patiently.
To forgive injuries.
To pray for the living and the dead.

The Seven Corporal Works of Mercy.
To tend the sick.
To feed the hungry.
To give drink to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To harbour the stranger.
To minister to prisoners.
To bury the dead.

I'm sure if we can at least try to follow The Seven Virtues and The Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy, our lives will definitely be more meaningful. For now let's all try to fulfil the 7 works!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

New Record

Yay beat my old record of 96! Beat me and tell me.

110 words

Typing Test