Thursday 25 September 2008

Windows Vista Error codes

Windows Vista Error codes (Hilarious!)

- Found in Microsoft's internal memo:

Vista_Error: 001 Vista loaded - Warning your computer is now in danger

Vista_Error: 002 No Error - Check again in 10 seconds

Vista_Error: 003 Dynamic linking error - Your mistake is now in every file

Vista_Error: 004 Erroneous error - Nothing is wrong (just testing)

Vista_Error: 005 Multitasking attempted - System confused

Vista_Error: 006 Kelvin error: Type Mismatch - phone Kevlar

Vista_Error: 007 System price error - Inadequate money spent on hardware

Vista_Error: 008 Broken window. Path not found - phone Glazier

Vista_Error: 009 Horrible bug encountered - Press F13 for more help

Vista_Error: 00A Invalid property assignment. Promotional literature overflow - Mailbox full

Vista_Error: 00B Inadequate disk space - Free at least 50GB

Vista_Error: 00C Memory hog error - More RAM needed. More! More! More!

Vista_Error: 00D Window closed - Do not look outside

Vista_Error: 00E Unexplained error - Please tell us how this happened

Vista_Error: 010 Reserved for future mistakes by our developers

Vista_Error: 013 Unexpected error - Huh ?

Vista_Error: 014 Keyboard locked - Try anything you can think of.

Vista_Error: 018 Unrecoverable error - System has been destroyed. Buy a new one. Old windows licence is not valid anymore.

Vista_Error: 019 User error - Not our fault. Is Not! Is Not!

Vista_Error: 01A Operating system overwritten - Please reinstall all your software. We are terribly sorry.

Vista_Error: 01B Illegal error - You are not allowed to get this error. Next time you will get a penalty for that.

Vista_Error: 01C Uncertainty error - Uncertainty may be inadequate.

Vista_Error: 01D System crash - We are unable to figure out our own code.

Vista_Error: 01E Timing error - Please wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.

Vista_Error: 01F Reserved for future mistakes of our developers.

Vista_Error: 020 Error recording error codes - Remaining errors will be lost.

Vista_Error: 042 Virus error - A virus has been activated in a dos-box. The virus, however, requires Windows. All tasks will be closed automatically and the virus will be reactivated.

Vista_Error: 079 Mouse not found - A mouse driver has not been installed. Please click the left mouse button to continue.

Vista_Error: 103 Error buffer overflow - Too many errors encountered. Next error will not be displayed or recorded.

Vista_Error: 678 This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another game?

Vista_Error: 683 Time out error - Operator fell asleep while waiting for the system to complete
boot procedure.

Vista_Error: 815 Insufficient Memory - Only 5,000 Gigawatts available

Monday 8 September 2008

War & Exams

Let me tell you friends.

War and exams, there's nothing very much different between those 2.

Pain and sweat.
Painstaking preparations.
The mind games they make you go through.

Yes people, war and exams, they're one same thing. MOE is actually preparing us students for the possible future attack from foreign powers. (Hint hint, M_l_ysi_ Fill in the blanks.) Exams such as Os and As are just a façade, a front for turning students into cold merciless soldiers. PSLE is just a filter. They only choose the best MOE does. Sneaky sneaky.

They model exams to war conditions. Have you not notice it? If you're taking the As that is. They throw you into a cold room for hours on end and leave you there with nothing but yourself and a few scraps of paper. Then, out of curiousity, you pick up the pieces of paper in front of you, knowing that it really is just a trap. They are posing you a mental game. Can you, or can you not do it? Even before the examinations, their propoganda has filled your head with senseless mantras.

I must prepare for exams.
No more time to lose.
Must, must, MUST.
Must deprive oneself of sleep.
Must deprive oneself of food.
No more time, must prepare.
For war...

You spend sleepless nights, staying up to go through your notes. Very much like how soldiers are on night duty, ever vigilante, ever tired. They plan and plan strategies just like how we students plan on the best way to tackle the exam questions.

Back in the cold room, the chill starts to get to you. The silence seems so loud. Every creak, every shuffle, every cough seems to be amplified a thousand fold. It gets to your head. Your heart beats faster. You turn to look at the papers in front of you. Your vision blurs and all that's in front of you is just a smear of nonsensical words. You stare harder, squinting your eyes painfully but all you see is how the pattern of the grain of the paper runs. The clock ticks loudly and you stare up at it. Suddenly the realization of "OH NO! Time time. I need more time!" hits you hard. You start cold sweating. The cold chills you to the bones and suddenly fatigue kicks in and all you want to do is just lay your head on the table and... Fall asleep.

What you've experienced above is what the MOE is preparing you for: Interrogation practice. They're training you to resist revealing to the enemy what intelligence you have. "You would rather die than give up information on your country!" That's what they're instilling in us!

The countless lessons, tutorials, presentations you go through are just merely an illusion! You think the notes in front of you are actually notes?! Think again comrade. They're propoganda. The government has cleverly implanted crucial and specific words that your brain picks out as you read through them.

*Click image to englarge

(The words highlighted are the crucial specific words of brainwashing power.)

See, that's proof. Do you believe me now?

So friends, it's not too late to rise against our government. I'm not sharing an extremist views here, but is it not only right to have the freedom to choose whether we want to go to war for the Government? Think hard about this my friends.

The choice is yours...

Disclaimer: The writer is writing in his own capacity as a concerned citizen and the views and opinions expressed here are clearly his and his alone. Nick bears absolutely no responsibility to whatever is written here. In fact, to protect our own asses, we’ll even go as far to say that the editors for this blog are complete illiterate.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Tiny Font





Rush Hour

Hello earthlings,

I know I haven't posted much since... The stone age, but like, I've been busy with exam preparation. (HEY! I know that look on your face. Seems unbelievable, but believe it.)

Planned a study outing at the library today with my sis. Got up early at half past 8, and got to the library at 9.15. Do note that the library opens at 10, but you should know that Singaporeans are all very studious. (How do you spell that. Studios. Studious. Whatever. You get what I mean.) And especially since its a school holiday, we've got LOADS of "Study Campers" just practically setting out camps, staking their territory early in the morning. I would not be surprised if some of them even came at 8, maybe even setting up tents. And like my cousin would put it: "As if the Great Singapore Sales was on."

How true.

My goodness. So yes, there I was showing my sister, the way of The Study Camper. And let ME, show you The Way too. The Way requires ignorance, persistence, and most importantly of all, Kiasu-ism. Without even one of these three basic elements, one cannot begin. As an initiative, or a Beginner, I will teach you the most basic skill of all. Persistence.

The Art of Persistence:

To persist is the " Continuance of an effect after the cause is removed". Persistence is the foundation of which The Ways of The Study Camper is built on. From Persistence comes Patience which leads to the ultimate skill set, Kiasu-Ism.

A clear goal of the Study Camper is to: Attain a table whatever the cost.

As a camper in training, we must keep that goal in mind throughout the process. To do so, requires persistence. One must persist. Persist in getting up early, especially so during holidays. Persist, persist and WE MUST PERSIST in "booking" a bloody spot in front of the BLOODY GATE. Care not of the cost.

Someone: "Wa lau. Stop pushing me leh."
Initiative: Stares him down - LONG PAUSE - "F__K YOU MAN"
Someone: Backs away in fright. "Sorry sir sorry! I dare not!"

The Art of Ignorance:

"The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed." One of the ultimate aim of being a true Study Camper is to condition oneself to be UNAWARE. Unaware of surroundings, unaware of incessant complaints.

Initiative: Strolls into holding room right up front to the gate where everyone is waiting for the gates to lift.
Everyone: "Wtf? Eh wa l@n. NEH NEH. He tink his ah gong buy one ah? Wa lau! I tell you hor, if he don't move, I call my ah ma come whack his didi. Chop chop confirm she will come help me. Sure scare his balls off one I tell you.
Initiative: Oblivious to the rising anger of the crowd. Continues walking towards the front of the crowd. Like Moses parting the sea.

This is what we aim to achieve. Yes ultimate ignorance is the key to understanding The Way. Being oblivious is one of they key to being a step closer to becoming a fully fledged Study Camper.

The last... And the ultimate skill... Kiasu-ism.. I shall reveal the secrets to this, in the next post.

Stay tuned