Sunday 19 December 2010

Wise Taxi Driver

Finally booked out from camp this morning.

Wasn't such a bad thing being confined actually. Had more things to do that at home! Haha. Well I'm saying that cause...

Anyway, I left in time to make it to Melvin's floorball game actually, only in the end I spent about 45mins searching for that damn sports hall. I think the bus driver I asked at the bus interchange pointed me in the wrong direction. In the end the heat of Singapore got to me and I gave up (Sorry Mel!) and flagged a taxi home.

Hmm interesting person the taxi driver was. Mr Kali-something. Haha. I must say, he was very professional. When he asked where I was headed to, he also asked me how did I want to go about it. Me being unlearned about Singapore's highway system I merely told him what I've told other taxi driver, "The best way Uncle!"

Giving me a smile, he patiently went on to clearly explain the route he was going to take. I was quite surprised at his professionalism and appreciated it very much I did. After which he went on his way and offered me the newspaper in front of me with "This belongs to the Taxi Driver" scrawled on it.

Just as I was about to start on the newspaper, he started speaking to me about something which I've forgotten, but then realising I was reading he told me to carry on. After pondering for a while, I decided to put down the newspaper and thought talking to the uncle was a better way to spend my time. And talked we did.

First, I asked him whether he works the late shift and whether he has any supernatural experience to share. Unfortunately he did not but he went on to tell me his take on such things. "It's all in the mind you see. What you believe, your mind will conjure. It's all about belief. For example, when you entered my car just now, it was up to me to believe whether you will pay me or not. And it was up to you to believe whether I will take you to your destination or not. It is beliefs that rules our every actions"

Omg, how often do you meet a wise taxi driver?

Then he switched topics.

"Boy, you have girlfriend or not? Steady on or play play only?"

"Well then you know how to win the heart and soul?"

"Uncle tell you."

Apparently it wasn't exactly something I knew. But he was so sincere about sharing it I couldn't help but hang on to his every word. In short, it was about putting EFFORT into it. Effort into everything you do. Say you planned on giving her this beautiful watch. If you have the cash, you could easily just buy it for her. But compare it to this, a guy who isn't as well off, but he still wants to get that watch. So he puts money into the bank and saves. The girl receives the gifts, knowing he doesn't have the financial capability to get it, she asks him how did he manage. He tells her he saves. And so he wins her heart. The effort. It's THAT that wins the heart and soul.


Haha and when we were nearing my place, I could have asked him to stop at the bus stop so he wouldn't have to turn in which will take a longer route, but I didn't. Didn't want him to cut his story short cause of that. I didn't mind paying extra to hear him speak.

Reminds me of another taxi driver I talked to on the way to camp. He was a pro-hokkien person. He spent the whole journey promoting and explaining to me why it was good to learn hokkien. And he was absolutely horrified to know that I couldn't speak it though I was teochew. When I got to camp, he gave me a 50cent discount for being teochew. (LOL not much but hey, how often do you get that? HEHE.)

Taxi Drivers have countless story to share, and we could all learn a thing or two. So next time you get on board a taxi, leave your iPhone/Newspaper/PSP/iPod in your bag and spend some time talking to them. You'll never know, something good could come out of it.

Thursday 16 December 2010

New Magic Beans to Flaunt Your Magic Stick!

Dear Troubled Sirs,

Having difficulty building steam while working those engines? Unable to stand at attention while your partner does his/her thang? (LOL @ "his") Does your banana just seem to freeze there in a limp while you try to stick it?

Introducing the new line of libido-strengthening products from Jack & The Beanstalk Pte Ltd. "Magic Beans (TM)" will surely allow your lady to climb YOUR beanstalk and climb it high effortlessly. In act she'll be so high, she'll be so horn-y for you.

For a price of just US$59.99, you can get a bag of "Magic Beans (TM)"! Purchase 2 bags and we'll throw in a free "Bean-Me Beanstalk (TM)" (basically a deel-doh) worth US$100.00 just for her! However, that's not all! Join our exclusive club of "High Flying Beanstalk Climbers" for a nominal one time membership fee (with lifetime membership) of US$299.00 and not only will you enjoy benefits such as exclusive discounts on selected products from Jack & The Beanstalk Pte Ltd, but you will also have COVERAGE (Yes! Insurance for your Ding-A-Long-Long!) against any accidental damage to your stick shift for LIFE. (How can you guarantee that your family's weapon of penistrative penistration [penetrative penetration] that hasbeen handed down from generations to generations will not be exposed to wear and tear from your countless escapades to fulfill mankind's inherent basic mission to ensure it's own species' survival? YES, how CAN you guarantee that?) Sounds too good to be true? Well it is and it is only getting better.

Join now during this promotional holiday period (Merry X'mas everyone!) and we will send Jill tumbling down the hill right up to your doorstep in all her matured self. (Jill doesn't belong in childhood stories or rhymes anymore. And she dumped Jack! Hurray!)


For a limited time only, the highly sought-after and rare lost-and-now-recovered DVDs of "How Jack and Jill came tumbling down the hill, and what happened down there, no one will be aware." will be available this year end. Pay a bit more and get in in 6D-HD! (The advancement of Cinemalogy is amazing.) Come grab it before it tumbles out of your hands!

Call 1900-999-999 to place your orders now! While stocks last.

Here are some of our satisfied customer's feedback:

"Life is meaningless. Any reasons anyone comes up with are just a mere way of getting through the days by attempting to create fulfillment. But if you ponder hard enough, you will realize the futility of life. This dawned on me few years back and as dark as it may be, it brought about a sense of relief. Life is short, life is meaningless. So do what you want, live recklessly, live for the moment. Nothing matters in the end, anyway. Then I realised that "Magic Beans (TM)" did just that for me. It took me all the way up and gave me a glimpse of Paradise on the beanstalk that seemed to have exploded out of my body somewhere just below my mid-section. And it was then on I realised how futile life was, and that I should live for the moment. It was life changing this "Magic Beans (TM)" was. I urge all of you to try some before you start finding any meaning in life."

- Our Satisfied Customer

And that's all the feedback we have for now...

Nick Oh
Founder and CEO of Jack & The Beanstalk PTE LTD.