Wednesday 30 May 2007


Aarrgh! I hate project work, but who does?

Oh man, I wasted a whole day today! Well not really the whole day but half of it. I was reading TONS of online info on Eisner but I can't seem to sieve out the correct info for my group project. God, I feel like a teeny weeny mouse whenever we have group meetings. Maybe it's not such a good thing after all to be in a group of smart people.

I really need to have my Zen V changed. The buttons are wreaked and its so squeaky whenever I press it. Dad asked for me to go get it change tomorrow at Creative but when I opened the box that my MP3 came in...

I realised I lost my warranty.

I found only the receipt. OH BUMM! Oh no! Why did I lose it! *nick rolls eyes* I hate it when I lose things. I guess I just got to cook up some excuse to my dad. He'll flip if he finds out. Darn my mp3. I need a new one! But I had to pay 110 for this one! I expect better from Creative. Grr, or I'll switch to Apple! (If I could afford it that is)

Woo, Cass finally came back from camp. Perhaps I'll go see her tomorrow! Mmm. I'm so packed with activities this weekend. Saturday, class barbecue then Sunday a movie with friends. I'm broke! But heh heh, hopefully I'll get some *nick rubs fingers together* $.$

Well it's late and dad's buggin' me. Ja-ne!

Friday 25 May 2007


Ahh finally! The holidays are upon us!

But it's not to be for JC students. Boo hoo hoo. It's not fair!

Yesterday, during history lectures, the usual people (including me) decided to skip the lecture and we were on our way to meet up with the rest of our company when they suddenly popped out. Ahh, found out that we HAD to go to lecture. Realised that our Literature teacher told on us to our History teacher. What the heck?! We are now officially known to school as "The Class who skips lectures" Heard from my friends that lit teacher personally came to our history lecture to tell the history teacher in front of the whole god damn LT.

Geez, what's her problem anyways. I've received ANOTHER penalty worksheet for lit. Lemme tell you, would you believe me if if I said that my unfinished work will actually stack up to 30cm tall? Well yea it is. Oh no! I better find a day, plug out the internet cable and do work PROPERLY.

I went to collect my bursary this morning and was surprised to find that Ragini, my classmate was there too! Hmm. Actually her family were just the next row away from mine. I didn't even notice! (Actually I couldn't see cause I wasn't wearin' my specs) Mum kept pointing out that the family (her's) sitting close to us kept smiling at us. She thought there we were doing something wrong. LOL, I was laughing my ass off when I found out that it was Ragini's family. HAHA! I'm blind as a bat! I think her mum was kinda unhappy about it when she was introduced to me by Ragini. Sorry Ragini's mum!

Today is a nice day. Not too hot. Looks like it's going to rain. Nice! Was too hot the past few days. Yay! Going to grandma's this evening! It feels like it's been so long since I last visited her. Whoo! Alrighty mates! See you soon!

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Happy Happy

Heh heh! Finally back in school and had fun! Only had an hour lesson today. GP.
I managed to escape (nick ticks off his fingers)

-Literature (been doing that for a long long time now. Teacher must've thought I'm extinct)
-Economics (Hmm, teacher's on MC, hope whatever she's down with she'll stay like that!)
-History ( Test going on, but hey, I'm not prepared and I predicted I'll be ill before history)
-Lit lecture (Well she didn't see me in the morning so how can she see me in the afternoon right?)

Woo. What a list eh? Magnificento! Hung out all the day long at the library. Was sorta fun. After school we had the SURPASS course thingy. I was in photography with Cat and Val = Crazy!
It was "kinda of" interesting. But at least I know how to do proper camera shots!

Day ended pretty nicely I thought and I was like... Really contented until I realised I had to do research for PW...


Saturday 19 May 2007

What A Day!

Ok... Wew.

What a week it has been! I have been answered. Thank you thank you! And I shall keep true to my promise.

Sports day a few days back. It was so darn hot! Went to crap at the fourth level (cause its cleaner - you know I'm a clean freak) and boy, I felt like a pig roasting in an oven! When I finally emerged from the cubicle, I felt as if I just fought the battle of the century. I was so sweaty all over. Yucks.

Had GP and MT test that day. I think I did alright. Not too bad. Not sure if I'll do well but yea...

Ahh geez, Fell sick yesterday. Gosh, it was terrible. Woke up at around 2am and had diarrhoea. Then, soon, I had to wake up again to vomit. Not long after, I had to wake up again, to vomit once more. Terrible. There was once which I felt like puking and crapping at the same time. Oh the horror! Imagine doing that! Coming out at both ends... Eeks.

Today I feel much better, slightly fatigued but yea, at least I can stand up properly. I managed to miss one lessons of lit (cause I've been putting my work off for two weeks already) and tomorrow's Wednesday = Lit. Sighs. Don't think I can skip again. It'll be too suspicious. I guess I just have to come up with some excuse. Hmm. But yea! Only three more days till the June holidays! Woohoo! Though there still be lessons, beats having school for five days! Haha!

Can't wait can't wait! Oh peeps, ho ho, learned a new card trick. I've uploaded it to the net, but yet to perfect it. Maybe when its really mastered, I shall upload it here! Hehee! Watch out!

Gee, got this bitter taste in my mouth. Urrgh. I'm have to be going now. Need to rid my mouth of that foul taste. See ya mates!

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Looking Bleak

My life... It's flashing before my eyes.

Oh god. What the heck have I done? I pray. I prayed to my ancestors... Please... Don't let it happen. I can't concentrate on work, I can't concentrate during lessons. I go home and the thing keeps going around my mind in circles and circles. Aargh!

I can't stand this. Had a history test today. Was totally unprepared for it. I was surprised I manage to crap through 2 whole page. Well done Nick, well done. Not a good day today. Never was since the past week. PW wanted to have a meeting today again. I was like. WHAT THE HELL? Last minute decision. God! Tell me earlier god damn! *nick slams fist down on table*

Breathes deep... OK OK, sorry mates. Let me cool down. So many things happening. I really can't think well. I need sleep but I can't sleep. I really need to hear and know the right RIGHT answer. PLEASE! Before I can sleep easily.

Summer test is drawing ever nearer. I think I'm going to fail everything except mother tongue. Wait a moment. No change that. I think I'm going to fail EVERYTHING. I'm going to retain. CRAP. This year isn't a good year for me. I'm sorry. I'm not making sense. I think I'm going to go now people...

Please... Let me hear what I want to hear... Whisper it in my ear. Softly. Gently... I pray...

Sunday 13 May 2007

Rainy Day

I want to be a Cloud, floating free above the world. Free from the worries that chains me when I'm human. Free from everything. All I want to do is just float and dream...

Sighs. I NEED TO STAY FOCUS! Really I do. Or else I'll be staying back a year in no time. No time at all. Grr. It's hard. Every time I have online work to do, I turn on my com, and suddenly, I'm not even doing my work any more. Aargh! Blast you homework!

Oh yea, got my DS!! Woo hoo! I didn't write about it sooner cause I was like too excited and I couldn't keep my hands off it that's why. Haha! Its sooo awesome! Warioware is nuts! Crazy game but so highly addictive. The game I'm playing now is Metroid: Prime Hunter. Its so cool! Its a first person shooter. Imagine that on a DS! How you say? The stylus! Yer! It totally rocks! Love it!

Right now, this blog is totally NOT updated. I've been so busy. Gosh. My life is going downhill from yesterday onwards. So much to do! So little time! Why can't I focus properly? WHY WHY WHY??? Aargh!

Project Work is taking up so much time, the assignments, especially essays keeps rolling in. What do the teachers think we are? Homework machine? I don't chow on work OK! Grrr. I hate it... I hate. I pray to my ancestors...

Please... Guide me through this part of my journey.

Wednesday 2 May 2007


WHAT the HECK is wrong with firefox today? This is my god damned second retyped post and I have NO intentions of RETYPING it again.

God damn you firefox! Don't make me put out the fire in you! *Shakes fist angrily*

Ok here's a super summary anyways.

Felt zombie-like whole day.
Talked to mum and told her everything about me and cass. Good thing is she doesn't mind us I THINK.
Skipped some service learning thingy. Hope it wasn't much.

Think I'm going to run to train for my NAPFA on friday. Wonder if I should. I'm sooo outta shape!!!

Please let me get my gold badge...

Tuesday 1 May 2007


Dang. Ok I chilled down a bit now. I decided to upload this pic. Pretty funny! Look at the SIZE of the condom. I put the phone there so you could compare.

On the label of THAT condom is says "Fit for a bull elephant!"


Why the !@# do they have to do this to me every EVERY time. My parents. I hate it whenever they do things like this.

They promised me a DS if I do well for my O levels. And when I did, they said wait a while so that they can go around to check the prices for it. So I did wait. Not a while. But five god damn months. FIVE months I waited while I was suppose to get it after the release of my results. FIVE MONTHS. And now, after I found a good deal. They took sooo long just to decide if its ok. I mean, WHAT THE HELL. I waited so long and you still want me to wait?

My dad makes me so frustrated everytime I TALK to him. He seems to have an ability to get on people's nerves. He'll never be able to teach a student. NEVER. He agreed to it but he's setting so much restrictions to my usage of the game that... Might as well NOT buy it! Aargh! Hate it hate it!! They're like: "No bringing it to school. I will keep it for you everynight. You're not allowed to play during the weekdays. I can guarantee that once you have that, you will not read any books. So I will set some limits... Yadda yadda yadda." Whatever!

Geez. I just wanted to throw my basketball at them while I was talking to my parents. I'm 17 years old for goodness sake. Let ME do what I want! Don't treat me like I am still 12! I KNOW what I will do with it. I WON'T let it affect my studies. I'm not some idiot who's going to jeopardise his education with THAT. Please. They didn't even had THAT much of a response when I bought my PS2. What's up with that?

GOOOOD! Just let me have a feeling of owning something by myself... You take away my laptop at night. You take away bits and pieces of my freedom even though I told you I'd make up for the wrong things I've done... Don't judge me now cause of what I did last time...

Just don't... Please...