Thursday 24 April 2008

Long Time!

How long has it been!?

Weeks?! Months?! Years?! I know you guys have been secretly missing me huh. That's really sweet of you guys!

(*Flutter eyes*)

Anyway, it's been such a HELL for me. First, parent-teacher meeting (PTM) was such a disaster. At first, I thought it would be alright because I knew my form teacher isn't so bad. She'll never make it sound THAT bad. When it was our turn, (which was like 45 mins after the designated time) she showed my mum the results. (Which was BAD) All the usual things were said. You know, like:

"Nick you've got to start working. Nick this is unacceptable."

At this point, everything was alright, I just feared that she would say that I've been on MC quite a few times. She didn't which was a relief. I was on the lookout for my lit teacher.

I MUST avoid her at ALL COST. Lit's been the subject I've been not going for. I knew if she sees me, I might as well have stripped naked and do a full monty on stage. Was out of the hall and the exit was almost in sight when suddenly I hear someone call my name.


I could NOT believe this. This was something straight out of a movie! Not supposed to be like this in real life! As I whip around, I was sure I knew who it was. THERE! Smack bam splat boom, there she was.

My lit teacher. The one I had to avoid.

I knew there was no way out. She got us to sit down on one of the benches, and started to talk. I tell you! I PRAYED so hard that I could teleport her away at that instance. And the things she said... It was HORRIBLE. She even went on about me going on MC holidays. (Imagine me, cranking my head slowly towards my mum. Thinking, OH - MY - F___ING - GOD) I'm doomed. Doomed for life! Doomed for eternity! Doomed dooooomed I tell you! (Drama rama.) Then she went on ranting about how I should WAKE UP. WAKE UP NICK WAKE UP. It was hard to digest. Sad to say, I was tearing. YES I WAS. I admit!

Men can cry. Believe it.

And the worst thing was the walk back. It was such a bloody long walk home. (Why the heck did the school make the entrance so far away!) And I just... Did not want my mum to see me. I wanted to run. RUN and never stop! Run run run. But I couldn't just leave my mum there.

Going back home was terrible terrible. Dad heard it. (Naturally from mum. MUM's ALWAYS the one telling on me...) THEN he had to go on a lecture about my studies and crap. He even brought up the topic if being vegetarian? I was like, HUH. And it's as if he was blaming me that mum has to spend more time cooking vegetarian. IT'S NOT AS IF I ASKED HER TO! If he wants, he could have her cook meat for all I care. I'll just have plain rice thank you.

But his words hit a spot in me. I was so overwhelmed... I have never been in this state for so long...


Ok enough! It's getting me all pumped up. I'll smash my keyboard if I keep going on. Something pretty eventful happened at school today, but I'm too tired to go on and no one reads a long post. So next time!

Lemme play just a while!

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