Wednesday 30 April 2008


My Parents will be the death of me!

Aargh, got CAUGHT once more, playing games. It's not even online! Sheesh. And now Dad has decided to arrest my laptop as well. But of course I'm not going down without a fight! I've thought of asking my friends to keep it for me, but then, it will be troublesome if I wanted to use it everyday though. Sighs. In the end, decided to leave my laptop outside the house, in one of the closets. Risky, yes, but THEY leave me no choice!

Been going home around 5, 6 pm every day. Why? Cause you see, there's this new LAN shop which opened at a shop near my house. Only a five mins walk from home AND, its on the way back home from school! Perfect! I know it's going to be costly, but well, what can I do huh. It's a pretty modern cyber cafe. All the works and stuff.

School's pretty alright. At least I've been doing my work, and I'm feeling this sense of satisfaction from finish all my work! Yes... I smell it. I feel it. I WANT IT! Haha! Hope it won't wear off. Sighs, wish my parents would understand me a bit more. I do work at school, I come back, I want to rest so lemme play my games for a while! Is that too hard to understand!?

Nvm, let's not go there huh.

I wish everyday was a Saturday! I love Saturdays! It's sooo fun hanging out with my cousins. every Saturday, we meet up at our Grandma's, have dinner, then take a loooong walk to the closest Community Centre to play ball. (There's one right underneath Gran's place, but it's infested with Chinese Nationals. No offence, but WE DON'T EVEN GET TO PLAY!) It is quite a long walk to the CC. I'd say 15mins? But really, it's the journey that is enjoyable actually. A bunch of teenagers making a ruckus as we walk along. Oblivious to the world but ourselves! How wonderful! Gosh.


Haha! Dad's such an ass. (pardon the word, I had to get it off my chest) Won't even let me play the PS2 at gran's. But it's ok. We've found better things to do!

A levels are coming! I can feel it. I've yet to organise all my notes and lecture notes. You should see the amount of that stuff I have at home. It's INSANE. Bet my shelf will break any time. (Sometimes I hear weird creaking sound when it's all quiet...) I just received my history notes. It's so THICK. Oh the poor trees they had to cut down! No idea how I am going to memories everything...

Save the earth I say!
Save the earth!
Away with studies!
Ahead with nunneries!

(being random as you can see)

Well, I am not in school today. (Sorry Jia! Didn't tell you the truth! LOL. It was for your own good.) Hanging out at the library. Playing CS and stuff. God I miss the "kukus" (as Anberlin would put it) there... Talking about CS, my clan "Vanish O2" (yes, it's named after the Detergent, ain't that WICKED?!) is getting pretty serious! We even have a forum up!

Hmm well this is all... Oh and if you play Habbo Hotel @SG, do add me!
-NickMyKnickers- <To the LAN shop I go!

To the LAN shop I go!

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