Wednesday 11 July 2007

Obsessions, My Addiction

Obsessions, My Addiction...

A war's going around the house as I speak. Just found out that my P4 cousin Hauwei saw my sister and a guy around when he just came back from school. Knowing him, he reported this to my mum and soon, chaos followed. Sighs... Never heard my sis blew her top THIS hard before. I bet, if my parents weren't home, she'd scream Hauwei's head off. *Shakes Head*

I always feel uncomfortable when things like this happens. I guess, I'd be blamed too. For setting a bad example. Sighs... I haven't been posting due to school and my current obsession.

Counter Strike.

I didn't know it'd be so very addictive! I got hook once I started to play a few times! Lol. Especially the awp_maps. Maps for snipers. Gosh. Didn't know I had it in me too. My IGN for counter-srike was " [N]ick my Knickers! " And it was soon known! Haha! What can I say? But yea, and under the tutelage of one of my friends I found on cs, (nicknamed Woolala/Liang) I became even better. I even owned sometimes! Always felt good when people say "Nick improved already arh!" ^^ Heehee! Yes!

So it may be good that I'm starting to become a sharp-eyed sniper, but the fact that I'm so obsessed with the game has got me in a choke hold. Every time I get back from home its CS is on my mine. Wait. No! Even BEFORE I am home I'm already thinking of knifing someone already... Aargh! I'm sure its an addiction! Isn't it? Someone help...

Got back my results. One word to sum it all up: BAD

Econs: U (Ungraded)
Maths: U --- Aargh. Hate it. Out of 50 I had a measly 5 marks. =.=
GP: E --- Wasn't too bad! At least it was a pass!
MT: E --- heh heh! Pass! I'm happy already.
Hist: S (Sub-pass) --- Dang... Grr
Lit: S --- So close! Really it was.

So yea, overall I totally SUCKED. Hope my parents won't kill me. *Waves hand across* Look at everyone else! All of them did the same! You can't blame me! JC1's supposed to be like that! So please, don't take away my lappy from me.

Oh man... Cass's been skipping school! I even skipped a day with her! Monday I think. We were supposed to go to Civic's to study but instead we ended up doing nothing at all. Ha! Oh well! A break for us. We went to Sentosa together with her friend's Angela, Angela's bf and Pei Qi, during one of the weeks. We went to watch Songs of The Sea. Wasn't bad! Haha. Took some instant photos, (that was cool!) I'll put it when I have the time to scan it. Hehe.

NOW I have no intention of doing anywork. There's oral tomorrow. Man... I know I'm either going to fail or just pass. Oh well. Think I'm going to play CS now... Nick my Knickers! Watch out for that name peoples! Cause by the time you've seen my name, BLAM, you'd be dead!

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