Wednesday 27 December 2006

It rained... AGAIN

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOORRRNNIIINNGG Singapore! Well I woke up at around 1 am. Due to the rain I still felt fresh and awake so it was still morning to me! But gee, I woke up at 5am in the morning because my eye was was hurting and it was sore. I woke up, went to the toilet, and looked into the mirror. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

A damn pimple! A teeny weeny pimple underneath my eyelid! Jesus Christ! When did that pop out?! And cause it was under my eyelid, everytime I closed my eyes, it would rub past my pupil and OW that hurt. I tried to pop out but that was kind of impossible. The eyelid is one of the most sensitive part of the body. Imagine trying to burst a hard-to-reach pimple which is almost microscopic. Yes it hurt like hell. I also tried using a tweezer. And yes, it ALSO hurt like hell. In the end I wound up giving my eyeball a good rubbed down. Next morning, my swollen eyelid did tone down a little, but that teeny weeny eeny pimple was there. (Mum says, during her time, it was said to be due to watching girls or guys pee, or in other words pornography) *Put hands up in mock protest* No! I have not been watching Porn...

It rained in the afternoon, and that made basketball boring.

Today by 11.45PM, I have to register my subject combination for my JC. If not, *slices throat* I'll be JCless. I tried to do a test printing on my printer but I found out that the STUPID printer didn't work, and that was like at 8pm plus. Time time... Running out. I was starting to panic. I tried calling my friend to help me to register and print, but guess what? Exactly, he's internet was down as well! THEN, we went to the CDAC (tuition centre) to try. News flash! The internet ALSO does not work. (Now, why aren't I suprised?) Time 8.25PM. Ok, ok, there's still time Nick. It's all right, only four more hours. Its ok. No! I am NOT OK. I am in DEEP SHIT! What if I cannot get into my JC? How how how??? GOD HELP ME!

God: "You asked for help and help you shalt get!"
Nick: "God? Is that you?"
God in a loud and mighty voice: " Yes! It is I! When you get home, call thou friend's mum and go to his house to use the computer. Thee friend's sister and mum will help. And you shalt be SAVED." Hallelujuah!

Listening to His words, I followed it as if it was text from the bible (pun intended). And Hallelujua! It was a miracle! I registered and managed to print my form! *Holds up the Sacred Script* Thank you oh thank you! Phew... That's all... Gosh if i was older, I'd be having a heart attack!

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