Friday 29 December 2006

Broadband... Finally...

Woo! I actually spent 7 hours straight at my gran's playing CS online... What a record! But it let me know how it would be like having my very own broadband at home. And I don't really think its that great, cause I'd probably be online almost 24 hours without once stepping outside my room. (Except for toilet breaks and meal times, other than that, I am almost non-existent)

Anyways, tomorrow I'll be at my cousin's house. His name is Teng Hausan and pronounced: How Sen. Yea like that. It's his birthday tomorrow and I guess I'll help spend his birthday by playing games with him! Hahaha. What a great idea! And I can get his sister (Ms Teng Si Jia the GENIUS) to help me with my blog! And if she doesn't want to cooperate, I guess I'll just have to take Hausen as my hostage and make him unable to celebrate his birthday... Watch out GENIUS!

Here I come!

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