Saturday 11 August 2007

On That Day

On That Day

Woke up, played a bit of CS the got ready to go to parent's friend's open house. They were all vegetarian! Sweet eh? The barbecue was all vegetarian too. Imagine that! Bet you guys have NEVER ever been to one before. I think that was my first too! There was tons to eat! Very delumptious too. The sweet and sour "pork" somehow DID taste like pork. Yummy.

Cass's birthday celebration was fun! For me at least. ( I don't know what your standard of fun is...) We met up at her place first. Parents dropped me off at her house. OK, now, this is something new for me. The parents dropping me off bit. Perhaps, they are starting to accept the fact that I have a girfriend? Slowly slowly... Well it's been almost 5 years already. But anyways, kinda cool!

Bought her this miniature water dispenser thingy at causeway. Pretty useful I think. For her. CASS drink more water please! Especially now since you have that thingy I got you. Got More Than Words to wrap it up for me. And in the end, it was this huge wrapped up thing. Pretty big. Almost up to my waist from the floor up. Felt somewhat weird lugging it around in causeway. But oh well! At least she liked it! Went to catch Rush Hour 3 afterwards. MY GOD, it was hilarious! We were laughing 80% of the time! Serious! Chris Tucker was soooo funny. My god, hope rush hour 4 comes out. Chan had his moments too. Lol. Though he wasn't fighting much. Age caught up with him. But damn, he and chris sure make a pair! NG was good too. LOL. I wonder how it's like to be around Chris Tucker!?

All of us decided to head back to where Cass's place was and played pool. Think it was my... What, third time playing it? Yea. Felt kind of retarded aiming and shooting. Wow, but Casslyn... My god. She was pro! For the first few round that is.. (hah! I was just warming up Cass!) She was good! Her shot was strong. Aim was straight. Suprised me! And she said she only played it twice... RIIIGHT. The pros... They always lie.

The day ended nicely! (Real niiiice. *wink*) Heh heh. Mmm people should have TWO birthdays. What fun!

Birthday Bash!!

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