Monday 6 August 2007



School wasn't really fun today. (But then again, when was school ever fun?) Econs lecturer screamed at us today at our "atrocious attendance." *Shrugs* Oh well, can't help it. It's in the blood I suppose.

Skipped literature tutorial because I haven't prepared my presentation yet and I knew I'd have more time now cause I won't be having an lessons till next week. Yessss. Took the extra time I had to study a bit for GP vocab test. Ahh wished we had more tests like that. Not so stressful. Actually I thought it was quite fun. We should have more more!

Had to sit outside of the classroom during History cause we weren't done with work that was supposed to be handed up long time ago. (Hey, I was planning to do it.) Oh well, at least I managed to finish! Ha, thought it was alright. Wonder how much I'd get. Acks, when that was done, another one came in. Sheesh.

DC called for a short PW meeting. Ahh, I see we (my PW group) have suddenly become serious. (Is that a good thing? Hmm I-) Says group will report anyone found out not doing their work or handing up work on time to our Supervising Tutor (ST) who's most probably going to dish out Insufficient Progress Forms. Sighs. Feeling kinda frustrated now. Was assigned to do work but I have absolutely NO idea how to begin. How to begin "Methodology." Read the PW notes and saw the lecture slides. But it didn't answer HOW to start. Geez. I'm lost. Someone help me please...

I guess I just got to crap something up. Since they're not clear. Don't blame me! I tried doing what I think was right!

You won't like me when I'm angry

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