Saturday 17 March 2007

Yes! Finally! Zzz

Wowee! Never knew what they always meant by a "good night sleep" before... It felt grreeaaat!
But still not all is perfect. But what am I complaining about? I feel much much better! The doctor yesterday, Dr Tham I think he's name was. Gave me tablets to eat and gave me a jab in the bumm... *Touches Bumm Gently* There there... Its alright now little one...

So now... It's morning. And later I'm going over to Seoul Garden to catch up with my OBS mates. One of them is having her birthday today. Not sure what I can eat there though. I definitely HAVE and MUST stay away from anything that's going to make me itch.

Fried Chicken? No thank you.
A few prawns and crab? GOD! Are you nuts? Get that thing away from me! *Smacks hands away*
How about some meat? ARE YOU INSANE? Go stuff yourself mate!

Yer. I might as well turn vegetarian! Why not? Hmm, mum's not prepared yet with the recipe. She needs a variety of recipes before all of us can turn Vegetarian. There's someone in my group who's vegetarian and I guess I'll just follow whatever she eats. Haha. Then I guess I'll gorge myself on deserts. They won't cause me to itch will they? Like vanilla ice cream or whatever. If not I'll feel like I'm wasting my money. Its supposed to be a buffet!

Gosh.. There's so many people going. Not sure if I'm prepared for it. I don't like big social gatherings. Never comfortable with it....

Someone I never met walks over to me... "Hi! *Sticks out his hands to shake mine* I'm Phil. What's your name? I've seen you around a coupla times so yea just saying Hi!"

Me: *eyes opened with fear* Mouth opens wide and starts to scream silently... "Noo! Go away! I'm anti-social! Couldn't you tell already you arsehole?! GO AWAY! Which part of "go away" don't you understand?!"

Haha. Well, I won't do that later but I'll try my best to talk as much. Hope I won't make a fool of myself! Damn! Its Saturday already. And I can't believe school's gonna start soon. Bummer. New class, new friends and teachers again. SIGHS! When I just settled down. My friend Kanesh... He has a blog and he's in Pioneer JC. He looks like he's enjoying life there. And he's taking H2 sciences! Well good fer him! I'm happy for him. Look at me! Bleargh.

Look at the time. It sure flies pretty quickly doesn't it? And soon all of us would be married and complaining about our in-laws soon! Haha... Yea. Imagine that...

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