More Visual Appeasment
Today was the new intake coming in and BOY, was there a lot of em! New faces. New strangers. (Wait, how can strangers be new?)
Everywhere I looked was someone new. I was grouped into a different "tribe" from my other friends. So none of my friends were in my tribe. They were the Orientation Group Leader anyways. The orientation was simply BORING. My butt hurt from sitting on the floor for so long. I don't know how the principal could just keep on droning on and on and on and on and on and on... (Like what I'm doing.)
I decided to skip the orientation during lunch. And I went out to catch a movie with Cass. Hannibal it was. NC-16. It was pretty gory. So many ways to kill a people. I didn't know. It was fun watching it with her thought the movie was a tad bit bad. I felt she deserved it anyways. It was my first, treating her to a movie. Thought I felt we should've chosen a better one instead. But yea it was a good day today.
Just found out from Cass that I can't go see her at her house anymore because her Dad thinks that since we're student we should concentrate on our studies first. It's not that I disagree with him but its like seperating me from her. I don't get to see her much and the only time I get to spend a whole lot of time with her is at her house. He said we could go out on dates but not to her home... Hmm, sighs. BIG SIGHS. Alright Mr Casslyn's Dad, I know I know. But yea I can't help but feel that me and cass are gonna grow further apart. GEez. What's his problem? Lol. Ok ok. I'll take it in my stride like the gentleman I am.
Tomorrow the "Mass Lectures" would start for the 1st intake and 2nd intake of students. SO BORING! I can sleep in the lectures. Just don't like it how my skin scrunches up when I go into an air con room. Yucks. And talking about my skins, I can't stand to sleep at night. I always wake up in the middle of the night and I HATE THAT! HATE IT HATE IT. DAMN SKIN.
Would anyone care to trade skins with me?
Oh well. Here's some other pics I took last time. Some of em are funny. Like this one I took of my dad as he was eating something halfway... Haha!
Then here's another one of my SUPER DUPER strong cousin Hauwei!Ok that's it... Hmm next time I'll do more! Well tomorrow is upon us! Farewell my friends!
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