Monday 13 June 2011

Can of Whoop-Ass.

I am back from my audition!

It was definitely a pretty interesting experience, but not quite what I thought it would be. You know, the sets, the lighting and large cameras and stuff. I really did thought there would be some props or sets for the ones being cast to act in. Haha apparently since it is just auditions it wasn't necessary. The casting coordinator (my secondary school friend, PQ) got me to fill up a casting form when I got there and after which she passed me a piece of paper with about 6 different scenes to try out in it. There was 2 particular scenes that I was recommended to try out since it was simpler in the sense that it would easier to act out. It wasn't all that hard to memorise since I had to say only a few lines. (And at the end of the day, the line that stuck and is still stuck to my head is, "He's an egotistical, self centred, fool.")

I was brought into a private room with a camera and had a microphone attached to me. I had mug shots taken of me and then we started. It wasn't all that scary actually. Simply put, it was like having oral exams but your facial expressions were taken into account for marks as well. Yes that is all. I messed up here and there and we had a few retakes (cause I forgot my lines) and finally that was it.

I'm actually quite glad that I did something like this. If it was the older me, I would have found excuses to get out of it or last minute lies even if I did manage to psycho myself to do it. But now that I actually did, I feel pretty good about it. Well done Nick! I'm happy that I've stopped bumming around and actually doing things that I want to, and not regretting it.

Oh, do you know what happened to me on the way home? (Rhetorical! Of course you wouldn't know what happened.) I got swamped by those surveyors or whatever you call them. You know those that camp around crowded places and bottlenecks so they can pick off gullible people into selling their souls to the devil and earn commission for themselves? I'm sure you do. And I am also very sure that you have met with them before at least once in your life and have felt irritated.

Aren't they annoying?! But I'm also curious to know how many people actually do stop to listen. 10 out of 1000? They must be fools. Anyway, I have probably been caught by them too many times to count.

I have had enough.

It is time to strike back. The next time any of them show any signs of approaching me, this will happen: Legs wide open to lower my centre of gravity, arms up and ready to break heads, strong defensive stance and I will stand my ground and tell them, "Do NOT come any closer. You definitely do not want me to open my can of whoop-ass."

No of course I would not do that. But I always wanted to say "You want me to open a can of whoop-ass?" to someone. But really, the next time they do appear in front of me, I will open my eyes in terror, grab my bag tightly and run away as fast as I can as if they were the plague itself, in hope that the rest of the potential victims will follow suit.

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