Sunday 20 December 2009

Terrifying Sight

So far, the transition from my house in Woodlands to Yishun has been alright. It won't be exactly the same of course, but the occasional bugs/beetles/lizards can be dealt with. (OK not so much the lizards, as long as they don't make their home in my room I'm fine with that.)

Recently though, I've been catching glimpses of these little critters around in my room.

Terrible lizards. Can't stand those beady eyes, webbed feet and their disposable tails. It's frigging disgusting. There is this gap between the wall and my closet right in front of my desk, and during the day, I catch glimpses of "things" moving around inside. They're too fast for me to catch a second look but I know these irritants are probably building a darn nest behind that closet. I can't imagine how I'm going to do my spring cleaning during chinese new year. I think I'm going to buy a few canister of insecticide and just start spamming it all through that crack. (Neighbours probably think that I'm fogging my room, with all that gas going out through the window.) EH, not insecticide, I think I need cyanide.

However, that's not the worst bit. On my way to the toilet just now, I happened to look down at the cup I just drank from a few minutes ago. Lo and behold! There, in that very cup I just drank from, sat the unholy of all unholies, most disgusting of all disgustingness, irritants of all irritants, pukes of all puke...

A lizard.

URGH. Those beady eyes! Hate it! Raised goosebumps on my flesh for a bit. I don't think I'm going to eat ANYTHING on that table anymore. You know how disgusted I felt?! I'm not even sure if it was in there BEFORE I drank from that cup.

What happened to the uber clean house I used to live in!?

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