Thursday 17 June 2010

Human Bond

The human bond is a funny thing. It takes a lifetime to build up yet it takes just about one painful moment to wreck that lifetime of work.

Deceit. Disillusionment. Hurt. Disappointment. Resentment. Regret.

I won't beat around the bush anymore.

Dear Casslyn,

Why seek to cheat your own feelings when you're ready to let go already? Why do you even let me believe everything is still the same? Do you think it's still alright to lead me on thinking that we're still very much in love? All that intimacy? Does it mean anything to you? Now I know there wasn't any heart in it...

But why?

I want to know WHY. Why did you do that? There's so many why's it's cracking my head into 2. There's just this big gaping black hole in my chest right now it's practically sucking away all the happiness around me.

WHY do you only have to break it to me AFTER showering me with all those false happiness? Are you doing it just to spite me?

It takes just that few minutes, that few text messages to topple that 8 years of effort and tears we had together. And I hope you know, it especially hurts when you break it to me after all that falsification. Think of what you're doing, not only you are breaking your bond with me, but with so many others as well. Everyone around us who knew about us...

So why Casslyn why?

It's just so hard to believe, that on that day, all the smiles, laughter, kisses and hugs we shared... All amounted to NOTHING.

Absolutely NOTHING.

Happiness leading to UNHAPPINESS. Ironic.

And you know what the worst part is? You knew what you wanted for this relationship yet you still allowed all the hugs/kisses we had for each other, especially on that day, to happen?

I guess that pretty smile of yours isn't so pretty anymore...

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