I've been at his funeral the past few days. I can't imagine how it feels like for my grandma to see her child go before she does.
I am not shocked by the passing of my uncle. It was seen coming, just not so quickly.
People come, and people go.
Everyone says it's the part and parcel of life but that doesn't mean we will be able to just let it go so easily.
Whenever love exists between people, you'll forever be branded with their memories. It's just not so easy to just simply continue living like nothing ever happened. How could you? When everything and anywhere you go is filled with the essence of a lost love.
It's just so damn hard.
Grandma must be one terrific woman behind all that wrinkles.
That's something I wish I picked up from her.
Love... I'm guessing it's probably the forbidden fruit that got Adam and Eve kicked out of Paradise.
You were just an ugly being when I first got you on the night a few days after my birthday. You were the best gift I could have ever received for my 21st. Barely able to walk straight, so ugly that I could see whatever shit that going through your throat, yet somehow you were a fascinating little thing. You drove me nuts with your incessant squawking to be fed. I had to get up at the wee hours of the morning just to feed you before going back to bed, and sometimes even earlier if I had to go to work. You stank up your cage nearly every day and I had to wrinkle my nose and made sure that you had a nice clean and comfortable place to sleep. You made yourself be known by pooping everywhere you went. And for the first time in my life, I saw that it was possible for someone, or something to squirt poop. It was an amazing sight to see it fly right out of your cage and land a feet away. Too bad it all happened to quickly to be caught on tape.
You grew up so quickly before my very eyes, and before I knew it, my life revolved around you. You changed my lifestyle for the better. Because of you, I woke up earlier and slept earlier. You even made me stay away from my computer! And that's no easy feat. By then, you were starting to grow bigger and I went to get a bigger cage just for you.
It was such a joy to see you able to hop around and it was ever so fascinating to see what you would get up to when left to your own devices. Even ah ma - who chided me for buying you out of the blue - got attached to you as well. It was a cause for celebration when you finally knew how to fly. Zooming around the house looking for someone's shoulders to land on become a norm in the household. The flutter of your wings signalled your approach.
Your presence in the house is sorely missed by its inhabitants. I've never missed any pet like you before (even when the guinea pig died). That's how much you are loved. Then again, I did practically feed you ever since you were a week old. I missed how you stood next to me on my shoulder and would huddle close to me to nibble on my ear ever so gently. I swear you knew that I enjoyed it and know not to do it too hard. I knew you were smart. You learnt how to 'turnaround' so quickly even though at the sight of food you couldn't stop spinning. But that just makes you all the more cuter. You'd hang around whenever I was mopping the flloor, you'd hang around when I did my work on the computer (pecking at my fingers whenever I disturbed you and the mouse), you'd hang around on my iPad when I used it, you'd hang around Ah ma whenever she was cooking or chopping up vegetables. Now you're driving HER crazy. She randomly starts calling "Yeww, Yeuuuu. Yewwww."
You were the first ever pet in the Oh family to have a facebook page dedicated just fo you. And you nearly had a fan group going. Everyone wanted a picture with you on their shoulders or heads. It could have become a movement. We could have made it big, You and I.
But you decided to become a bitch and fly away did you not?
After all that I've done for you, the food the accommodation, and the love that we showered on you, you took off just like that! You're a f**ker! The worst! Like those stories of cheena women disappearing with their husband's cash. You stupid bitch, why'd you leave? You ingrate, I hope you starve.
Why're you so stupid?!?!?!?!?
Is it cause I didn't let you out of your cage long enough? Is it cause I laughed at you whenever you did something? What is it?
I'm sorry! I'm sorry I called you a f**ker, a bitch an ingrate! I'm sorry, please come back! I promise to leave your cage door open. I'll give you all the nuts you want. I won't force you to play dead. I'll let you poop all over the furniture if you want to.
Your dishevelled, on the verge of depression owner Nick
Bad id: "nickasnack" (There is no flooble chatterbox with this id. It may have been deleted, or never existed. You can sign up for a new account if you wish.)